Pro-Jay Adapter / Short Bully Hat to a Low-Pro 4 Barrel Throttle Body & Hat kit
This is an Adapter kit, to use the Bully Hat on a Pro-Jay Low-Pro 4 barrel throttle body.
No welding necessary on the trhottle body. All components are 100% 6061 Billet Aluminum.
- You need to remove the throttle body from the car
- Bolt on the Adapter, mark drill and tap 2 additional holes 5/16-18
- Using a drill press is recomeded for best results
- Once drilled and tapped, clean and degreaser throttle body
- Make sure it's clean and dry
- Place the new O-ring on the throttle body ( supplied with the kit )
- Bolt on the adapter using 4 bolts 5/16-18 ( supplied with the kit )
- MUST use Red Loctite is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ( not suplied with the kit )
- Install the Bully Hat ( make sure the o-ring on the hat is set correct )
- Install the 5" Bully clamp using the hardware ( supplied with the kit )
Included in Kit;
- 1 Adapter plate
- 5/16-18 bolts 4pc
- 1 Throttle o-ring
- 1 Your choice of short or tall Bully Hat
- 1 Bully clamp 3.500" with hardware
- 1 Bully clamp 5.000" with hardware
- 1 Bully weld in flange with o-ring for the charge pipe
Tech Support
Si tienen problema con las intructiones llamen al 1-856-297-8234
For more information call us at 1-856-297-8234